Reg f3d

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Fast Free-Form Deformation algorithm for non-rigid registration.
This implementation is a re-factoring of Daniel Rueckert' 99 TMI work.
The code is presented in Modat et al., "Fast Free-Form Deformation using
graphics processing units", CMPB, 2010
Cubic B-Spline are used to deform a source image in order to optimise a objective function
based on the Normalised Mutual Information and a penalty term. The penalty term could
be either the bending energy or the squared Jacobian determinant log.
This code has been written by Marc Modat (, for any comment,
please contact him.
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Usage:	reg_f3d -ref <filename> -flo <filename> [OPTIONS].
	-ref <filename>	Filename of the reference image (mandatory)
	-flo <filename>	Filename of the floating image (mandatory)

*** OPTIONS ***
*** Initial transformation options (One option will be considered):
	-aff <filename>		Filename which contains an affine transformation (Affine*Reference=Floating)
	-incpp <filename>	Filename ofloatf control point grid input
				The coarse spacing is defined by this file.

*** Output options:
	-cpp <filename>		Filename of control point grid [outputCPP.nii]
	-res <filename> 	Filename of the resampled image [outputResult.nii]

*** Input image options:
	-rmask <filename>		Filename of a mask image in the reference space
	-smooR <float>			Smooth the reference image using the specified sigma (mm) [0]
	-smooF <float>			Smooth the floating image using the specified sigma (mm) [0]
	--rLwTh <float>			Lower threshold to apply to the reference image intensities [none]. Identical value for every timepoint.*
	--rUpTh <float>			Upper threshold to apply to the reference image intensities [none]. Identical value for every timepoint.*
	--fLwTh <float>			Lower threshold to apply to the floating image intensities [none]. Identical value for every timepoint.*
	--fUpTh <float>			Upper threshold to apply to the floating image intensities [none]. Identical value for every timepoint.*
	-rLwTh <timepoint> <float>	Lower threshold to apply to the reference image intensities [none]*
	-rUpTh <timepoint> <float>	Upper threshold to apply to the reference image intensities [none]*
	-fLwTh <timepoint> <float>	Lower threshold to apply to the floating image intensities [none]*
	-fUpTh <timepoint> <float>	Upper threshold to apply to the floating image intensities [none]*
	* The scl_slope and scl_inter from the nifti header are taken into account for the thresholds

*** Spline options:
	-sx <float>		Final grid spacing along the x axis in mm (in voxel if negative value) [5 voxels]
	-sy <float>		Final grid spacing along the y axis in mm (in voxel if negative value) [sx value]
	-sz <float>		Final grid spacing along the z axis in mm (in voxel if negative value) [sx value]

*** Regularisation options:
	-be <float>		Weight of the bending energy penalty term [0.005]
	-le <float> <float>	Weights of linear elasticity penalty term [0.0 0.0]
	-l2 <float>		Weights of L2 norm displacement penalty term [0.0]
	-jl <float>		Weight of log of the Jacobian determinant penalty term [0.0]
	-noAppJL		To not approximate the JL value only at the control point position

*** Measure of similarity options:
*** NMI with 64 bins is used expect if specified otherwise
	--nmi			NMI. Used NMI even when one or several other measures are specified.
	--rbn <int>		NMI. Number of bin to use for the reference image histogram. Identical value for every timepoint.
	--fbn <int>		NMI. Number of bin to use for the floating image histogram. Identical value for every timepoint.
	-rbn <tp> <int>		NMI. Number of bin to use for the reference image histogram for the specified time point.
	-rbn <tp> <int>		NMI. Number of bin to use for the floating image histogram for the specified time point.
	--lncc <float>		LNCC. Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel. Identical value for every timepoint
	-lncc <tp> <float>	LNCC. Standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel for the specified timepoint
	--ssd			SSD. Used for all time points
	-ssd <tp>		SSD. Used for the specified timepoint
	--kld			KLD. Used for all time points
	-kld <tp>		KLD. Used for the specified timepoint
	* For the Kullback–Leibler divergence, reference and floating are expected to be probabilities
	-amc			To use the additive NMI for multichannel data (bivariate NMI by default)

*** Optimisation options:
	-maxit <int>		Maximal number of iteration per level [300]
	-ln <int>		Number of level to perform [3]
	-lp <int>		Only perform the first levels [ln]
	-nopy			Do not use a pyramidal approach
	-noConj			To not use the conjuage gradient optimisation but a simple gradient ascent
	-pert <int>		To add perturbation step(s) after each optimisation scheme

*** F3D2 options:
	-vel 			Use a velocity field integration to generate the deformation
	-fmask <filename>	Filename of a mask image in the floating space

*** OpenMP-related options:
	-omp <int>		Number of thread to use with OpenMP. [8]

*** GPU-related options:
	-mem			Display an approximate memory requierment and exit
	-gpu 			To use the GPU implementation [no]

*** Other options:
	-smoothGrad <float>	To smooth the metric derivative (in mm) [0]
	-pad <float>		Padding value [nan]
	-voff			To turn verbose off

	--version		Print current source code git hash key and exit
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For further description of the penalty term, use: reg_f3d -helpPenalty
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