NiftySeg install
The code can be easily build using cmake ( The latest version can be downloaded from
To download the latest version, please check out the code by copying the following line to the terminal:
git clone git:// niftyseg-git
A packaged stable release is also available at this website.
Assuming that the code source are in the source path folder, you will have to first create a new folder, i.e. build path (step 1) and then to change directory to move into that folder (step 2).
mkdir build path
cd build path
There you will need to call ccmake (step 3a) in order to fill in the build options. If you don’t want to specify options, we could just use cmake (step 3b) and the default build values will be used.
ccmake source path
cmake source path
The main option in the ccmake gui are defined bellow:
> CMAKE BUILD INSTALL options are Release, RelWithDebInfo or Debug
> INSTALL_PRIORS Will install the population atlas for the segmentation pipeline
> INSTALL_PRIORS_DIRECTORY Directory where the population atlas is going to be installed
> INSTALL_NIFTYREG Will fetch and automatically configure and install the niftireg package.
Once all the flags are properly filled in, just press the ”c” to configure the Make- file and then the ”g” key to generate them. In the prompt, you just have to make (step 4) first and then make install (step 5).
make install